12 - 14 Nov 2024

Tech Arena 2023

  • Simumatik — Digital twins from Simumatik create new opportunities for 3D printer manufacturer Tritone Technologies  
  • SkyMaker — Let the customer do more of the work 
  • ManoMotion — Enabling predictive safety for industry  
  • CombiQ — Data-driven decisions in real time  
  • Prokon and BalthzarDo you know how efficient your production facility is?
  • Colix — A modern internal communication solution  
  • Mobilaris — Positioning technology takes safety and coordination to the next level in industry
  • Rutronik — Smart sensor station & Smart sensor station FIR thermal and IR detection  
  • BeOneNorth – Digital transformation in the wood industry, Optimised Business: A journey to successIoT solution for predictive maintenance: Increased reliability and cost savings
  • ChainTraced – Digital product passports in a metallic value chain
  • T&S Engineering Intelligence – AI review of drawings with industrial partners
  • Flowtropolis – Effective and safe training with XR technology
  • Strainlabs – Digitalising rail - transforming manual work into a digital service
  • Dassault – Electric roads for all, New maritime technologies inspired by nature - for the environment & We need to change our approach to water!
  • whatt.io – Physical products and their digital twins, the next generation digital product passport
  • Wexer – Digitalised sales process
  • Telenor IoT – Monitored connectivity for industrial products
  • Etteplan – NeoDynamics – The next generation of biopsy systems
  • Columbus – Visual processes and document management working together
  • Certainli – The straightforward way to a compliant Bill of Material