If it is the first time you are going to log in to My pages as an exhibitor, you first need to register.
Follow the steps below.
- Go to elmia.se/en/my-pages
- You will come to the login page. If you do not already have an account, click on "Register Account". If you have already registered an account, continue with that information (email address and password). Note that the old usernames, e.g. e-1234567 ”, can no longer be used.

- Use the email address on your order confirmation to create an account and fill in the other fields. Your password must contain at least six characters and consist of uppercase, lowercase, at least one figure and a special character.

- Once you have registered, you will automatically log in and end up on My pages. When you log in next time, fill in your e-mail address and password on the login page. As a logged-in exhibitor, you can add additional people who will have access to My pages. You do this under "Accounts - add users".