Red-hot market for biomass boilers

Red-hot market  for biomass boilers
“Since December our order books have filled up like never before. Property owners who threw out the wood boiler a few years ago and installed a heat pump instead now want a wood or pellet boiler again,” say Patrik Jigbring and Oscar Folmanis at Baxi.

Not unexpectedly, the key factor is the current high energy prices.

“We are seeing demand from both farm owners and residential customers. What they have in common is that they want to create flexibility in their energy supply through hybrid systems. Perhaps by using wood or pellets when electricity is expensive and the heat pump in the summer when consumption is low and electricity prices are lower.”

At the Värmebaronen stand we find Tommy Silfver, Mikael Näslund and Dennis Winroth:

“When it became clear in many people’s wallets last winter that it was a matter of holidays or electricity bills, demand exploded. We have to go back many years to find comparable figures,” Mikael says.

“Everyone who had these systems has thrown them out. Now a new generation is moving to the farms and they want the wood boilers back,” Tommy adds.

The customers are at the fair

Mats Johansson of Biovärme Sverige confirms this picture:

“We want to meet farmers and forest owners who need a new heating system. These are properties that are often outside the municipal district heating networks, and a wood or pellet boiler is hard to beat.”

Mats’ stand will show boilers for larger farms as well as smaller boilers for residential customers.

“We meet buyers for both types here at Elmia Wood. We’ve been here for many years and can justifiably say that our customers are here,” he adds.


Mats Johansson of Biovärme Sweden is pleased to meet so many potential customers at Elmia Wood.




Patrik Jigbring and Oscar Folmanis of Baxi have busy days at Elmia Wood. “Suddenly everyone wants their biomass boiler back again.”


Mats Johansson på Biovärme Sverige är nöjd med att träffa så många potentiella kunder på Elmia  Wood.Va╠êrmebaronenDennisMikaelTommy.JPG

Dennis Winroth, Mikael Näslund and Tommy Silfver at Värmebaronen are noticing record demand for their entire product range; wood, pellets and solar.


Patrink Jigbring and Oscar Folmanis of Baxi have busy days at Elmia Wood. “Suddely everyone wants their biomass boiler back again.”