About the fair

Elmia Agriculture is the business arena that creates the conditions for a strong Swedish agricultural industry. A sustainable and profitable industry with growth. An industry with room for both a great love of farming and a curiosity about innovative ways forward in a competitive world.

How can we adapt agriculture's production methods to reduce the impact on the climate? How can Sweden create better crisis preparedness in warmer climates and increased or decreased rainfall? What opportunities exist with longer growing season?

We showcase solutions that exist today, but above all to find development opportunities for the various parts of the industry. How can the farmer adjust his business, make money using new climate-smart technology and develop his business?

At Elmia Agriculture products and ideas meet the market, joint ventures begin and new expertise gains firm footing on the journey towards a sustainable farming industry.

Who exhibits at the agricultural fair?

This is a fair for all sectors of Sweden’s agricultural industry. The more than 300 exhibitors all have something to offer Swedish agriculture, both in terms of machinery & crop production and livestock & farm-based operations. 

Visitors from all parts of Sweden

The visitors are everyone who works professionally with or is interested in the agriculture. This is the meeting place for farmers, industry representatives, the media, politicians and representatives of industries that depend on Swedish agriculture. 

Geographically Elmia is extremely well placed. Within a 300 km radius you can reach 70 percent of the country’s farmers. For most people Elmia is therefore an easy day’s outing. Within a 300-kilometer radius of Elmia are:



Elmia Lantbruk
Elmia Lantbruk
Phone: +46 36 15 20 00