4 195 SEK

ex. advertising tax and VAT.

Art.no. 11621

The Silver Package is an excellent alternative for anyone not wanting to invest in the Gold Package. Here you share space with a few more advertisers but you pay a lower price. The advertising begins two months before and continues one month after the fair. Buy the Silver Package and be seen with a maximum of 15 other silver advertisers. Your ad is shown four seconds before it switches.

Silver Package - Maximum 16 ads, 4 sec

Your ad will be shown at:

  • Exhibitors & products
  • Opening hours
  • Tickets
  • Fair activities
  • Press


Exhibitors & products:


Opening hours, Tickets, Fair activities & Press:


Technical information

File dimensions: 975x548 pixlar
File format: jpg
Material deadline: No later than two weeks before publication (i.e. 2 months + 2 weeks before the fair opens) you upload your advertising material via My Pages on the fair´s website. Log in at the top by the key symbol with your username and password, provided on your order acknowledgement. Click on My Pages and Submit material for digital advertising. Your material must be titled with the name, space and measurements of your advertisement space (for example “Banner_website_975x548px). For further information, please contact your salesperson at Elmia.

All prices refer to material that is ready for publication/print. There is an additional cost for unfinished material. If you are unable to produce material ready for publication/print yourself, Elmia can help.